What is Permanent Makeup?

Permanent Makeup is a cosmetic technique that involves depositing pigments into the skin’s dermal layer to enhance facial features. It is commonly used to mimic the look of makeup on eyebrows, eye-line, and lips.

A Walkthrough of your Appointment

We will start your appointment off with a consultation to go over a gameplan for your brows. I often will recommend certain services depending on your skin type or desired results. We then take some before pictures—I take before and after photos for all my clients. After our consult, we will begin mapping out your brows. Once we agree on a shape, we will begin applying the permanent makeup (Microblading, Powder Brow, or Combo Brow).

A word from our Artist

Hello All,

Lulu here. I wanted to take a moment to share a little about myself. Unrelated to what I do now, I actually graduated college with a major in Mathematics and a minor in Computer Science. I’ve always suppressed my love for the beauty industry because I never believed it was something I could do as a profession. One day, I was working my normal 9-5pm job and realized I was so, incredibly, unhappy. It was the most normal day, but, like clockwork, the persistent tik inside of me told me I wasn’t living the life I wanted for myself. It took me about 10 minutes of thought to realize I needed to stop thinking. I instantly called my boss and quit. This was one of those influential moments in my life where I learned that sitting on a problem does nothing for yourself but create torment and resentment. What every you do in life, I encourage you to stop thinking, and start doing. Whether this be quitting your job or booking your appointment to get your brows done. Invest in yourself, make the change, and take the leap. There is nothing more inspiring than living the best, most confident version of yourself.


  • Permanent Brow Makeup is great for someone who has experienced hair loss and wants to achieve a natural looking brow. It’s also great for overplucked, scarce, or unsymmetrical eyebrows or people who want to wear less makeup, clients that are outdoors often or people that exercise (sweat-proof brow) often.

  • Although its referred to as ‘Permenent Makeup’, its actually semi-permanent. It typically lasts 18-30 months with touch-ups/color boosts recomended once-twice a year. Avoiding extreme sun exposure, applying a daily SPF, following proper pre and post care, and avoiding harsh exfoliants or chemicals can help extend the life of your brows.

  • It is recommended to avoid working out 7 days following your appointment. Light exercise is allowed (minimal sweating), but you must clean the tattooed area with lukewarm water as soon as you are done. The salt in sweat will fade the pigment quicker and effect your healed results.

  • As a precaution to avoid any complications, I do not perform cosmetic tattooing on pregnant women.

  • Microblading is typically commended as more painful than Powder Brows. Both procedures are fairly tolerable. I usually describe Microblading similar to a cat scratch, and Powder Brows similar to a less-deep tattoo. I do apply numbing cream during the procedure to help make you as comfortable as possible.

  • Please contact Brows By Lulu to see if your brows are ready for another appointment. In some cases, we might recommend laser removal in order to book an appointment.